[Mb-civic] Inside of What? I Predict...

Lyle K'ang lyve at netzero.com
Thu Dec 9 19:31:50 PST 2004

Happy Holiday's MBCivic,

I was asked to send this to you. I hope ALL is well in America, the World and in your own hearts' this greatest of holiday's....

Inside of What? I predict…

Yes, the present Bush W. administration and counsel are to blame for WAR's injustices. These cowardly acts judged forever as criminal acts against a land of laws. Higher theology will consider these acts against a God. So, the one who has the power for change does the changing, they move with power, and power has always been wrong because power is unnatural to human existence. There is only consensus from reaching out after teaching.

I believe from what we are now seeing, the Democrats have an agenda and have had all the while. If you have been following the 'underground' DNC [Howard Dean] change movement, you will 'see' that there is tremendous movement for change. MoveOn.org, Senator Kerry’s attorneys, and our monetary gifts enable the ground machine to drill around, to discover, monitor, and report to the judges of the land. Even some judges, in a flash have been smitten by the truth.

I just watched Al Franken vs. Fox on the Sundance channel. Yesterday there were the Vietnam movies showing on another channel, more admittance from the 'administration' that it is not going well in Iraq, now trying to blame it on the 'oil for food program'.

‘Feeling Coming On’ 
I'm going to put my head way out there because I have a ‘feeling coming on’ with a prediction. I believe the sensibilities of human nature will make a full circle. The Republican's who are running scared are frankly the weak ones and have always been and are finding that again, the underground cannot be stopped. The ‘Reds’ came out of the shoot to fast, the race is still on, they know its not over, it did not end on Nov. 2nd of 2004.

In fact, the Democrats are more powerful than the DNC thought it ever could be. The people's $5.00, $10.00 donations are so very moving that we have again awakened. No not finally, we were always awake as we ALL watched the lies spewing forth from the 'other side'.

The power of truth is making its way to the top. The funny thing about this time is that the LIES that perpetuated from the 'RIGHT' are not capable of having long-term stickiness. They do not even 'see' the spiritual truth surfacing. The power of the truth is starting to drown-out those lies and what is surfacing is a more humbled, more powerful Democratic movement that is aligned with global and internal ethics. Of course, I speak in generalities, the focus is more on spiritual values that act as rudder and steersman.

The watch is on and the truth has been told in Florida, Ohio, and Washington state were recounts are mandated despite the LIES from Judges and Secretary of States'.

Finally, I must tell you, that the power to heal our veterans is a responsibility of our government and if they do not provide the required dollars, programs, and directions, then it is a bad reality, as we know. That inattention has carried an ugly truth for over thirty years as I can recall.

A reality is that WAR is tired, old fashioned, and is begging to be put to sleep. Up until yesterday, WAR was a declining game, but somewhere, someone, resurrected EVIL in all its glory. Always someone in the CIA, BlackOPS, or other hate filled individuals that lack the power of healing, and rather play in alternate universes as though they’ve grown into cruel kids.

WAR and Veterans’ cannot get over it. Who to this day think that WAR was necessary. WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Nicaragua, Iraq or future war's in Iran, Syria and wherever that Evil is allowed to inflict its most debilitating venom into a thinking man has always been on the march. As important as that march is to Evil, we march to educate, promote, instill, further the vision that man is indeed a gentle soul yearning to be free. At least, that is the mantra and perhaps, we lost our way through movies, politics, and power.

Additionally, the veterans must heal themselves and with the help of good natured folk, some will recover and unfortunately, all will be changed for the rest of their natural lives. Why do they give away their birthright? Who takes my brother’s birthright? Potential veterans should rethink why is it necessary to serve.

In reality, there is no need to serve. Serving has no distinction, no life, just death with scars only for the dead, the helpless, and the remaining posterity. Theirs is not a patriotic duty. What LIES are those that brainwash a fellow brother and sister into believing that their life is warranted for the blood machine. Therein are the lies and they are not to be confused as more truth, but we make them into a reality to be believed! Patriotism is a myth, a lie, and a falsehood. There is only the society of man, even the kind acts of brother to brother and sister to sister. Pride goeth before the fall-cliché’ perhaps, but powerful enough…Pride no! Love better!

Politics, politicians, and ignorance have always waged WAR. Movies, untruths, inhumane acts, are neither human nor natural. I am not sorry to say that man is not all guilty of these crimes. Perhaps there are those few that feel not for a man's pain but only for themselves; the glory, the deliverance of a most self-centered human being. Again, we can find power hiding in the dark shadows of man. Man made dark shadows, man went towards dark shadows because of his arrogance, weakness, ignorance and shallow acts of pity.

Yes, we can go through history and find all races that have reared the head of cruelty, but this is not totally correct. You and I have witnessed more in history where the "white man" has done more damage in his name to his own. To the world of races, opposite genders equally perfect as he, committed in various degrees, of insensitiveness, cruelties, barbarisms, sadistic posturing, deprivation, sacrilegious acts and my vocabulary limits further expressions of indecency.

I have white blood and brown blood and I bleed red. In the world of many cultures, this human race I am most ashamed. I am ashamed of their inability to 'feel' the wind, 'see' past a horizon, understand hearts' that yearn, failure to listen to a people speak, the lack of maturity to go deep inside one's own tortured self. These are the shortcomings and disabilities of this kind of race, and a type of 'white people'. 

Inflicted with continuing self doubt, thoroughly void of understanding anything spiritual, even to hearkening correctly to the REAL teachings of a man that was very close to being a prophet, some say, even Jesus the Christ.

The Democrats have received that message collectively, engaged ever so powerfully across our nation. Therefore, I end my prediction, not about religious beliefs or the lack of understanding. There is more to just one Jesus Christ and his teachings. Even the best of us fall short of a goal set so long ago. Years of American brainwashing, patriotism, and LIES of BEING Superior to the World's CHILDREN, came not on the large ships from a tortured land afar, but from hardened hearts’ created in the vision of man’s misunderstood dominion. 

We are awake and starting to 'see' again...and those that fight anymore will definitely and defiantly be left behind in total ignorance, wallowing in darkness, shouting that we are weak and Jesus is coming!
We are those spirits that we seek here on Earth. We look not outwardly, but inwardly to the LIGHT of our own BEING. In the words, are the SECRETS of salvation. Beware, NOTHING exists except you and I, a SOURCE and the planets. Everything else is the darkness. 

Evil allowed in. Evil destroys. Therefore, humanity is not designed in the best of LIGHT. Better to remember, that deprogramming one's self can take, for many of us, a lifetime. We had better get with it.... We are way behind, unfortunately we cannot bring those side-by-side to us if they insist on caring for the dark. We do not light the way with their bodies but light the way so we together can see. 

Lyle K'ang,
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