[Mb-civic] Cindy Sheehan Leaves Crawford etc.......

Barbara Siomos barbarasiomos38 at msn.com
Fri Aug 19 08:35:12 PDT 2005

Hey Cheese...

I am with you... there very well could be some voodoo going on with the cia etc and Cindys Mom... It would not be the first time something like that happened...

peace and Love to Cindy,

-----Original Message-----
From: Cheeseburger
Sent: Fri, 19 Aug 2005 04:04:40 -0700
To: mb-civic
Subject: [Mb-civic] Cindy Sheehan Leaves Crawford etc.......

Cindy Sheehan Leaves Crawford etc.......

You've by now heard that Cindy Sheehan has left Crawford to go back to
California to be with her mother who has had a stroke.

I won't get into all my conspiracy stuff of CIA, psychic-remote viewing,
telekinesis, or any of the other methods they have of disabling or killing
anyone on the planet almost, but the thought did briefly enter my mind as
the only alternative for removing her presence that the governing psychos of
the most powerful nation on Earth could collectively come up with.

Never underestimate bad people.


On another note, I'd like to certainly know more about the British police
now being exposed along with their story that the Brazilian plumber was
running whatever, the post that blaxill recently put up here.

To even think that someone like the London police etc would catch a profiled
guy walking, subdue him, and =then= shoot him 7 or 8 times in the head
wherever *after* they had him subdued, and *then* make up a cover story,
continues to be nothing short of Indicative of the entire crisis that Earth
continues to face at the hands of Lunatical Mass Murderers posing in the
roles of Leadership and smiling for the cameras of Democracy and Other
incidental theories of order.

Other than that, hey, it's Friday, party hardy........

Cindy Sheehan has left Texas, a Brazilian plumber was just murdered by
London's Finest, and the world is a pile of crap (other than the good


The problem remains of how to make the good parts stronger than the crappy

The problem remains also that the people standing in the way of that
happening with all the money, guns, law etc at their command appear to have
been spawned from the devil's anus.

The problem also remains that The People who are governed by, seduced by,
indoctrinated by, manipulated by, and mass murdered by such anus dwellers
still do not have the stomach to retake their own world.

But rather remain in such things as "Democracies" mainly in Their Minds as
The Real World crumbles at their and their childrens' feet.

Concepts are surely powerful.

Never underestimate the cowardice of those too afraid to face the Realities
of their own imprisonment.

They, and the price of oil, continue to keep the state of affairs of this
planet at a constant level of death and destruction.

They are apparently waiting for Mighty Mouse, Underdog, Inspector Gadget, or
Lassie to come to their rescue.

No, stop, Children, don't touch that dial, do not attempt to change the
channel, we want you to grow up just like your parents.

Remember we are all the salt of the earth.

Whatever that means anymore.......

Oh well, regardless of rambilingisticalizationisms, Cindy, thanks for
stopping by in Texas.

Ya'll come back, ya hear........

Bring your little Brazilian friend with you.



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