[Mb-civic] Bill Bennet on aborting "black babies" to lower the crime rate

Mike Blaxill mblaxill at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 28 14:12:45 PDT 2005

Bill Bennett: "[Y]ou could abort every black baby
in this country, and your crime rate would go

Addressing a caller's suggestion that the "lost
revenue from the people who have been aborted in
the last 30 years" would be enough to preserve
Social Security's solvency, radio host and former
Reagan administration Secretary of Education Bill
Bennett dismissed such "far-reaching, extensive
extrapolations" by declaring that if "you wanted
to reduce crime ... if that were your sole
purpose, you could abort every black baby in this
country, and your crime rate would go down."
Bennett conceded that aborting all
African-American babies "would be an impossible,
ridiculous, and morally reprehensible thing to
do," then added again, "but the crime rate would
go down."

for full story and audio clip click the link

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