[Mb-hair] New Hair Production in Los Angeles (Silver Lake)

Michael Butler michael at michaelbutler.com
Thu Aug 5 18:43:24 PDT 2004

Sorry, saw the address on the revue
> Hello Tribe,
> Here's our chance for a small Southern California Be-In. There's a new Hair
> tribe in the Silver Lake area of Los Angeles that could use our love and
> support! A super review is pasted below for you which includes information on
> reserving tickets.
> On Saturday August 14th the Associate Producer is arranging a "Hair Party"
> night. There will be a reserved section for Hair Alumni and depending on how
> many people reserve, there will be some sort of discount. For more
> information, call 1-323-667-0955 and say you want to reserve tickets for the
> 8/14/04 evening performance as part of the "Hair Party."
> I will be out of town until August 11th but if you have any questions in the
> meantime, 
> please email Raymond Donahey the Associate Producer of the production at;
> tilvenelf at yahoo.com.
> Peace, Love and Blessings ~ Jonathon
> With no end in sight to the U.S. conflict in Iraq, James Rado and Gerome
> Ragni's 1967 anti-war, anti-establishment rock musical resonates loudly once
> again. In large part, that's due to the first-rate songs, with catchy melodies
> by Galt MacDermot and playful/pensive lyrics by Rado and Ragni. The script,
> marginally updated by Rado, is a time capsule of those radically exciting
> times when American youth was first exposed to psychedelic drugs, acid rock,
> Eastern religion, sexual freedom and alternative lifestyles. Ragni and Rado's
> hairy tribe hang out in a park in Greenwich Village staging love-ins and
> taking drugs that George Berger (a magnetic Jonathan Zenz) dispenses from his
> pouch. While the others burn their draft cards at a be-in, restless dreamer
> Claude (Ren? Guerrero) vacillates over whether or not to show up for service,
> but longs for something more than the life of a dropout. Director Peter
> Finlayson captures both the comedy and tragedy of Claude's dilemma in a solid
> production brimming with strong singers, notably Sarah Marina Ali and Ana
> Ortiz. The cast mostly looks and dresses the part, however some of the men's
> wigs, including a couple of mullets, don't fit the era. Actor-choreographer
> Atticus Batacan makes the most of the cramped space in fluid dance numbers
> involving the entire 20-member cast. Knightsbridge Theater, 1944 Riverside
> Dr., Silver Lake; Sat., 8 p.m.; Sun., 3 p.m.; thru Sept. 18. (323) 667-0955.
> Written 08/05/2004 (Miriam Jacobson)
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Good HAIR Days: A Personal Journey with the American Tribal Love-Rock Musical
> HAIR, by Jonathon Johnson. For more information on the book and how to order
> it, visit www.goodhairdays.net. Visit our other websites at www.uversa.net and
> www.kidstherapyassociates.com.
> ---------------------------------
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