[Mb-hair] whats more important is i heard people are cutting thenude scene

Little Birdie lbirdie at hotmail.com
Mon Apr 11 10:03:38 PDT 2005

Richard said:

>i heard people are cutting thenude scene

Many current productions do cut the nude scene, but many do not. In general 
(and there are exceptions to this) I would say it gets cut in all high 
school productions, and about 2/3 of community theater productions, and some 
college productions. Most equity or equity waiver productions keep it in, as 
do some community theater and a lot of college productions.

I prefer productions that include it, but for many productions (high school 
and community theatre) cutting it is the only way to get permission to do 
the show. I recall when Randy Bowser was directing the show the theater made 
him choose between having minors in his production (which he very much 
wanted to do) and doing the nude scene. In other cases theater companies 
allow minors in the production, but they can't take their clothes off. I 
can't recall if any of the minors on Broadway (WMH, Janet Powell, Debbie 
Andrews) did the nude scene or not.

Of the productions that keep it in, most place it where it was on Broadway 
(at the end of Where Do I Go?) but some move it, often to Walking in Space. 
Some make it as subtle as it was on Broadway, and others, as you say 
Richard, kick it up a notch.


The Hair Archives

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