WMCA - radio
April 29, 1968 - 11:30 P.M. - Peggy Stockton

Hair gives Broadway a much needed turn-on.  Hair isn't a musical in the traditional sense, but the first of its kind, a Rock opera.  There is very little dialogue, just one beautiful production number after another, staged with brilliance by Tom O'Horgan.  The story and lyrics, by Gerome ragni and James Rado are wildly funny, grossly irreverent and sad about today's youth.  A member of a hippie tribe is drafted.  Will he join Uncle Sam or burn his draft card?  he goes and he dies with a spectacular plea for peace.  But it is the music that makes Hair more than just hippie, anti-war propaganda.  Galt MacDermot's score, played by an onstage electrified combo combines hard rock and soft lyricism in a fantastic display of musical know-how.  The cast is young and talented and that much publicized nude scene is brief, done in semi-dark, and very tasteful.  Hair is a musical for today, and long may it wave.

Copyright The Straus Broadcasting Group, Inc.

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